It’s been six months since the state started shut-downs to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Since then, epidemiologists and health care professionals have learned a lot about the virus that claimed nearly 200,000 American lives.

Estelita Fielding the executive director of Skagway’s Dahl Memorial Clinic says we’re all still learning. And that’s okay.

“This is an evolving situation and as we get further in, we learn more we get new informed information,” she said.

“I just want people to know that it’s okay to ask questions, and our knowledge is going to continue to evolve.”

She and her staff put together a six-page resource of frequently asked questions for Skagway residents and anyone else who’s looking for information. That’s in response to a lot of questions from the community. Fielding said the staff is available to answer questions as well. You can reach the Dahl Memorial Clinic at (907) 983-2255.