COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the Upper Lynn Canal. 13 people in Haines tested positive this weekend, and another case has been announced in Skagway. KHNS’ Mike Swasey talked to Haines Interim Borough Manager Alekka Fullerton on Monday afternoon for an update.
Fullerton – We have seen a significant outbreak of COVID in Haines, in fact, doubles the total that we had to date. We believe that it is from the fair, which we had last weekend.
So we believe that we have a high number of the Delta variant there, approximately 86% of the COVID cases in the state of Alaska are the Delta variant. We also believe that that’s true here.
People seem to be confusing a lot of their symptoms with allergies, or with a mild cold. So we are encouraging people that if they are experiencing, you know, even itchy eyes or nasal congestion, or things that they didn’t necessarily associate before with COVID, that those could in fact, be COVID symptoms.
Swasey – Now, they’re mild in cases where we’re seeing breakthrough cases where you’ve had people have had the vaccination or now getting sick. But I’ve also spoken with several people who feel really ill that were vaccinated and have recently contracted COVID-19. Is that something that you’ve seen is that you know, usually it’s not as impactful if you’re vaccinated?
Fullerton – Yes, that’s definitely what we’re seeing. And I had a meeting this morning with the public health nurse, and anecdotally, she said that people who are vaccinated don’t tend to even have a fever with it. However, almost everyone who is unvaccinated has had a fever and has been sicker.
Swasey – Do we have any severe cases in Haines right now?
Fullerton – We do not and we have no hospitalizations. Everyone is quarantining at home.
People really need to redouble their efforts in terms of keeping their social circles smaller and masking. We are making sure that everyone who needs to get tested is getting tested immediately. But there are a number of people who want to be tested that are not close contacts and just want to be assured and those people may have to wait a little bit.
Testing is available in Haines at SEARHC by appointment for symptomatic people at 766-6300.
In Skagway, another positive COVID test was announced on Monday afternoon bringing the total to 12 active cases. There is concern for community spread for individuals who visited the Red Onion Saloon or Happy Endings Saloons since last Wednesday night.
Testing in Skagway can be done at the Dahl Memorial Clinic by appointment. They are currently prioritizing symptomatic people and close contacts. They have increased testing capacity and can test up to three people every half hour.
Expect a call-back if positive, but no call-back if negative. The testing is billed to insurance and the clinic will continue to cover the cost-share through September 1. For uninsured patients, there is no charge. To make an appointment call 983-2255.
Skagway Traditional Council is also offering testing from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, or by appointment at 983-4068.