• 0130: A caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked behind a business on Main St.
  • 0929: A caller reported a theft of tools valued at $400-$600. A case was initiated.
  • 1005: A report of a badly injured moose that had been struck by a vehicle was received. HBPD responded, the moose passed away and was donated to a charity organization.
  • 1028: A resident requesting a restraining order was referred to the court.
  • 1608: An accidental 911 call was received, no emergency action taken.
  • 1617: Another accidental 911 call received, no emergency action taken.
  • 1630: Another accidental 911 call received, no emergency action taken.
  • 1654: Another accidental 911 call received, no emergency action taken.
  • 1854: An automated dial-in alarm was received from the water treatment plant. Public Works was notified.


  • Medical Calls: 0
  • Canine Calls: 1
  • Traffic Stops: 1 on Haines Highway resulting in a verbal warning for speed.