The state is reporting 40 active COVID cases in the Haines Borough over the last week, with four new cases reported on Tuesday. In Skagway, there were four active cases over the last week, and three new cases on January 11.
Public health officials warn that COVID case counts may be higher, due to rapid at-home testing. Those who test positive at home should seek a PCR test at their local clinic to verify and be included in the official count.
The next update to the state dashboard is expected Friday with regular updates three times a week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
The new cases make 317 total cases in the Haines borough since March 2020. Skagway has had 84 cases total since the start of the pandemic.
Free rapid at-home COVID tests are available at the Haines administration building on 3rd Avenue during business hours.
PCR tests are available at the Haines and Klukwan SEARHC Clinics Monday through Friday, by appointment. COVID vaccines and boosters are also available.
In Skagway, the Dahl Memorial Clinic offers COVID tests for $30 during business hours by appointment. COVID vaccines and boosters are available.
And the Skagway Traditional Council offers free COVID testing from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with no appointment necessary.