At its regular meeting this week, the Skagway Borough Assembly will review the town’s first application for a marijuana cultivation facility.
Two residents who plan to operate as ‘Coyote and Toad’s Garden’ are applying for a permit with the State Marijuana Control Board. The business would be located in an industrial-zoned area, which is allowed in newly-adopted borough regulations. It is in the assembly’s power to protest the approval of the application.
The assembly will also revisit business postponed from its last meeting, including the FY ’17 operating budget. That item was put off because of uncertainty over the state budget.
Resolutions that would let White Pass Railroad establish agreements with three companies to use municipal land were also postponed. They’ll come back to the assembly at this week’s meeting.
The assembly will hear more about the cost of an updated study evaluating the visitor industry’s impact on Skagway. The last economic impact study was published eight years ago.
A recommended code change from the planning commission is also on the agenda. It would relax some rules related to accessory housing.
An executive session is scheduled to discuss two topics: the municipality’s potential purchase of property on Long Bay and a report from the borough attorney regarding talks with White Pass.
The meeting is Thursday at 7 p.m. in assembly chambers. The full agenda and more information can be found at