KHNS News interviewed the three candidates for the two open Skagway assembly seats. They are incumbent Dan Henry, Roger Griffin and Angela Grieser. We interviewed each candidate over the phone and individually, asking a similar set of questions on issues and topics drawn up by KHNS New Director Margaret Friedenauer and with suggestions from Skagway voters. We aired portions of the interviews in our KHNS Local Newscasts this week. Below are those selections as well as most of the other questions we asked of the candidates. Some candidates have more than one clip with their answer – we included as much on the subject as the candidates chose to talk about, even if that topic came up at a different point in the interview. The candidates answers also varied greatly in length among the three, but we edited answers as little as possible and included entire answers no matter how long.
Editors Note: We apologize for the quality of some of the recordings. Despite our best efforts this year, we were not able to arrange to record each candidate in person, therefore we decided to interview each by phone. There were a few selections of the interviews not included here – those selections were either questions not addressed by each candidate or issued raised by one candidate but not raised others.
In an effort to continue improving our election coverage, next year we will work as hard as possible to record the Skagway candidates in person. Better yet, we would very much like to arrange a live forum for the candidates where the candidates answer questions in front of an audience. We will strive to make that possible next year and expand our election coverage as much as possible.
Introductions and why are you running for assembly?
Roger Griffin
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
How do you see the role of an assembly person in getting the public involved in the public process?
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
Roger Griffin
What are your thoughts and ideas on what can be done to improve the livability for year-round residents? Does that include a long-term economic development plan?
Angela Grieser
Roger Griffin
Dan Henry
What are your views on senior issues, such as building a new senior center?
Roger Griffin
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
Do you support continued public funding for the Skagway Chamber of Commerce?
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
Roger Griffin
Do you support the idea to bond $12 million for the construction of a new public safety building and to increase the summer sales tax by 1 percent to pay for the bond?
Angela Grieser
Roger Griffin
Dan Henry
What role do you think the municipality should play in the future of the port?
Roger Griffin
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
What are your views on the proposed White Pass lease, the Memorandum of Understanding that has been released or what direction the municipality should take if the vote to extend the White Pass lease fails?
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser (Two tracks)
Roger Griffin (Three tracks)
What are your views on the Juneau Access Road Project?
Roger Griffin (Two tracks)
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
Should municipality continue pursuing development of West Creek hydro project or other alternative energy projects and sources?
Angela Grieser
Roger Griffin (Two tracks)
Dan Henry
Do you think the municipality should set a goal of a zero waste target and/or should the municipality work to reduce plastic bag and bottle use?
Roger Griffin
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
Do you think the effects of climate change could have an economic impact on Skagway and if so, how should the assembly address that?
Dan Henry
Angela Grieser
Roger Griffin