A Haines developer’s plans to ‘intensify’ resource extraction work above Young Road and Skyline Drive are facing another challenge.
Earlier this month, the planning commission approved Roger Schnabel’s request for a conditional use permit. Schnabel wants to use drilling and blasting to extract about 7,500 cubic yards of rock from his 65-acre property. He plans to sell the material to the contractors building the small boat harbor expansion.
Schnabel already has a permit for clearing, grubbing and blasting on the property, which he has stated he plans to develop into a residential subdivision in the future. Schnabel needed another permit because he plans to extract material for commercial sale.
The planning commission unanimously approved the three-year permit. But neighboring residents have objections.
Lenise Fontenot filed an appeal of the decision the next day. A second resident, Ella Bredthauer, lodged an appeal late last week. Like Fontenot, she has a residence close to Schnabel’s property.
Bredthauer lists several objections. She says the borough failed to properly notify nearby residents about the permit application. She also thinks the details of how Schnabel would address community concerns and mitigate adverse impacts are insufficient. She echoes one of Fontenot’s concerns – that the planning commission shouldn’t have dismissed many of the restrictions recommended by borough staff.
Next Tuesday, Feb. 28, the assembly will decide whether to hear each appeal. If so, the hearings will take place March 14.
Peggy is right there are possible outcomes that could damage homes down hill from the project. Surface runoff from rain and snow will change dramatically. With the soil surface and foliage removed rain will flow through the exposed rock and work its way down hill underground. That could cause slippage of surface soil down hill that could break underground sewage lines, damage building foundations, road beds etc. In short the whole hillside could shift enough to cause major property damage. In fact it could endanger lives. The city better be careful on this one or it could be a disaster.
I’m surprised that more residents who live below the site haven’t filed appeals. They must not understand what can happen to their homes when this project gets underway. Hope they have plenty of insurance.