Updated 10/6/23
Certified results for Skagway’s 2023 Regular Municipal Election are listed below, and include absentee and questioned ballots canvassed by the Election Board on Thursday, October 5.
Sam Bass for a 2-year term as Mayor with 244 votes. Orion Hanson with 221 votes and William Lockette II with 25 votes.
Alex Weddell and Kate Kolodi for 3-year Borough Assembly seats with 278 and 243 votes respectively. Charles Doland with 226 votes.
Jason Verhaeghe and Sterling Rachal for 3-year seats and Melinda Munson for a 1-year seat on the School Board with 190, 171 and 183 votes respectively. Phil Wagner with 149 votes.
Approval for Proposition #1 (increasing property tax exemption levels) and Proposition #3 (granting a 35-year lease to Petro 49, Inc.). 349 in approval and 116 not in approval of Proposition #1. 413 in approval and 47 not in approval of Proposition #3.
Proposition #2 failed (increasing summer sales tax rate), with 279 not in approval and 195 in approval.
Detailed election results can be found here.