Preliminary Haines General Election Results indicate:
- Cheryl Stickler, Mark Smith, and Richard Clement for Assembly
- Jerry Lapp and Eben Sargent for Planning Commission
- Kari Johnson, Brian Clay and Michael Wald for School Board
- Initiative 1 as passing
- Votes counted during the October 8 Election Canvass may impact the Assembly Seat results
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Details are below:
Preliminary Skagway Election Results indicate:
- Deb Potter and Jonathan Hillis for Assembly (UPDATE: Hillis maintained his lead at the Oct. 3 absentee, early and questioned ballot count. Hillis: 205, Burnnham: 196)
- Cory Thole and Chad MacPherson for School Board
- Proposition 1 as passing
- Absentee, early and questioned ballots will be counted by the Canvass Board tomorrow (10/3) at 4pm in Assembly Chambers, and may impact final election results
- More at
Details are below:
Skagway Municipal Election Information