It’s the end of the school year. High school seniors are entering a new phase of life. We attended the Haines High School graduation ceremony.

The new Alaska ferry, Hubbard, carried its first passengers. The boat, which was built in the Ketchikan shipyard, is the latest addition to the Marine Highway fleet. It now links Juneau, Haines and Skagway everyday but Mondays. We got a tour of the new boat on its first stop in Haines.

Haines residents recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of a beloved playground. The event allowed gatherers to remember how the park took the whole community coming together.

The Haines Public Library hosted award winning children’s author Stuart Gibbs this week. Students from the Haines school were able to attend his presentation and learn what it takes to be an author.

A mining prospect near the headwaters of the Chilkat River is entering a new phase of operations. And the public comment period has been extended. And some residents of the upper Chilkat valley lost power for a day and a half.

The Alaska Department of Transportation is chasing birds away from the Skagway airport runway. To do so they are using loud noises, and some local dogs are scared. But, there is a dog solution to these dogs’ problem. And Minto mine closes.

We are entering the OTHER moose season. Calves are being born, and they should be left alone. And some fire safety rerminders.

The Haines borough planning commission has issued a controversial permit for a helicopter landing space adjacent to a residential neighborhood. The permit came during a long meeting Thursday. Many neighbors testified they do not want the noise.