Oct. 1 is municipal elections for both Haines and Skagway. KHNS reporter Melinda Munson has the final review of candidates and questions voters will encounter.


The Haines Borough Assembly has six candidates running for three seats. Assembly members Natalie Dawson and Debra Schnabel are hoping to serve another term. Richard Clement, Mark H. Smith, Cheryl D. Stickler and Nora Zimmerly round out the ballot.

Two Haines Planning Commission seats are open. Incumbent Eben Sargent is running against Jerry L. Lapp and Joe Parnel. 

The Haines School Board has four candidates for three seats: Brian Clay, Kari (Keri) Johnson and Michael Wald are running for another term. Reba Hylton is making her first school board bid.

Initiative #1 would increase the property tax exemption from $150,000 to $300,000 for Haines residents who qualify.

Skagway has four borough assembly candidates running for two seats. Assembly members Jay Burnham and Deb Potter are seeking re-election. First-time candidate Jonathan Hillis and write-in candidate William Lockette II are hoping to join the legislative body.

The Skagway School Board race is uncontested with Cory Thole running for one of two seats. Chad MacPherson is the write-in candidate for the remaining position.

Proposition One asks Skagway voters if Dahl Memorial Clinic should transition to an independent non-profit and lease the clinic building from the municipality.

Polls are open in Haines from 7 a.m to 8 p.m. at the Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood Hall on the corner of 1st Avenue and Willard Street for voters in Precinct #1. Precinct #2 voters can visit Klehini Valley Fire Hall on Mosquito Lake Road.

In Skagway, voting is available at City Hall from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.