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The Skagway Shuffle – Episode 6: Solutions
Episode 6: Solutions/Conclusion Molly McClskey: 644. That's how many housing units were in Skagway, Alaska, in 2020. That's according to a reportby the Skagway Development Corporation in 2023. Remember two-thirds of them are owner-occupied. One-third are occupied by...
Low Sockeye Numbers at Chilkoot Weir Lead to Restrictions
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has issued an emergency order. Starting Thursday, sports fishermen on the Chilkoot are prohibited from keeping any sockeye salmon they catch. Anglers may keep up to six pink and six chum salmon per day, but sockeyes are...
Haines Planning Commission to Take a Final Look at Comprehensive Plan
A rewrite of the Haines Comprehensive Plan has been in the works for over a year now. The Haines Planning Commission has been working closely with the contractor that has conducted the surveys and interviews that form the basis for the plan. The Commission will...
Skagway Assembly discusses clinic, contamination, coronavirus
Lost funding, disease, and insurance squabbles were just some of the topics from Skagway’s last assembly meeting. Skagway’s July 9 Borough Assembly meeting began with some bad news. Mayor Sam Bass shared an update on the Ore Terminal progress. "The governor...
Opinions differ on necessity of campground host
It was news to some Skagway residents that the municipal campground is without a host. This year, the Municipality of Skagway opted not to hire a host for the Dyea Flats Campground. In 2023, the position offered a $10,000 stipend and the use of the host cabin,...
Preparing for Haines’ Next Borough Manager
Haines Borough Manager Annette Kreitzer will leave her job in a month. The borough just started to advertise for the position. They discussed the matter at their last meeting. Kreitzer told the assembly she has placed an ad in the Chilkat Valley News to seek...
Haines Assembly Discusses Advisory Questions for Fall Ballot
At the end of a long meeting, the assembly discussed adding five advisory questions to the ballot for the fall local elections. Advisory questions are a nonbinding way for elected officials to get a sense of what voters think about a particular issue. The...
The Skagway Shuffle, Episode 5
In previous segments, we spoke about what Skagway has - a port, an airport, police, fire, a library and more. Here's what it doesn't have - a hostel. A homeless shelter. A domestic abuse shelter. A retirement home. Simply, it doesn't have a lot of options when...
Museum Staff Tackle a History of Fort Seward
The Sheldon Museum is well known to Haines residents for its exhibits, and to visitors for its gift shop. But it is also a research museum, with a mission of filling the holes in our historical understanding. This is the task on which museum director Brandon...
Study Looks at Black Cod Genetics
Some species, like salmon, spend most of their lives in the ocean and return to their birthplace to spawn. Larson: “A salmon will like go out of its stream and then it'll go in the middle and like, mix with a bunch of different populations. And then like, so...