Haines’ Fort Seward on a winter day. (Credit: Margaret Friedenauer)
The Haines Chamber of Commerce has four new members on its board of directors.
There were five seats up for election on the nine-member board. It was a competitive race, with seven candidates, including three incumbents: Kyle Gray, Bill Kurz and Scott Sundberg.
Gray was re-elected to his seat. But four new faces were voted into the other open spots. They are Pam Long, Jeremy Stephens, Gregg Richmond and Jerry Lapp.
The newly-elected members join Sean Gaffney, John Hagen, Michael Ganey and Heather Shade on the board.
All of the board members represent for-profit businesses. The Chamber recently deliberated whether nonprofits should have an equal role in the organization. The debate resulted in the membership voting to exclude nonprofits and individuals from serving on the board, although they are still allowed to be Chamber members.
The new board will hold an organizational meeting Jan. 20.