Donations flood the American Legion hall in Haines. (Photo by Henry Leasia)
Over the past week, landslides and flooding have destroyed homes, damaged infrastructure and displaced numerous families in Haines. Here are some ways to assist the relief effort.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Haines Borough is coordinating volunteers for various tasks including social services, physical, outdoor work, 0rganizing/managing things, field data collection, and telephone/office data collection. To get involved call Heather Lende at 907-314-0273 or fill out a volunteer registration form here.
The Red Cross has sent volunteers to Haines and coordinated others across the state to assist in the relief effort. If you’d like to become a Red Cross volunteer, visit redcross.org/Alaska or call 907-646-5401.
Meal Trains
Haines resident Jenae Larson and David Simmons have been missing since a mudslide swept away the property where they were living. People in Haines are cooking meals for David’s partner Libby Jacobsen, Janae’s family, and Janae’s boyfriend Walker Blair. Click here join the meal train for the Jacobsen family, here for the Larson family, and here for the Blair family.

Jenae Larson (right) and David Simmons (left) have been missing since a mudslide swept their property on Wednesday, December 2. (photos courtesy of the Larson and Simmons families)
Donate directly to the loved ones of missing persons
Three Gofundme campaigns have been created to assist Jenae’s mother Kim Larson, Jenae’s boyfriend Walker Blair and David’s partner Libby Jacobsen. Click here to donate to Larson, here to donate to Jacobsen, and here to donate to Blair.
Donate to organizations assisting the relief effort
The Haines Salvation Army has been coordinating volunteers to provide housing, counseling and other assistance to displaced families. Donations are being accepted directly to the Haines Salvation Army, PO Box 550, Haines, AK 99827. Donations can be submitted online here.
The Red Cross has been working in Haines to provide safe shelter, food, relief supplies, and other support to people in need. Visit redcross.org, call 1-800 RED CROSS or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a donation.
The American Legion in Haines has become a hub for disaster relief. The main hall is used for updating evacuees on the latest news from the borough, coordinating accommodation for displaced people, counseling services, and providing meals and other goods. Checks for the American Legion Lynn Canal Post 12 can be sent to PO Box 452 Haines, AK 99827. Call 907-766-2530 before donating any items.
Tlingit & Haida’s Tribal Emergency Operations Center has been in contact with Chilkoot Indian Association and is coordinating efforts to provide food, clothing and shelter to those that have been impacted. Donations are accepted on Paypal and Cashapp.
Chilkoot Indian Association has created a disaster relief fund to provide housing, rental cars (for those who lost or don’t have access to their vehicles), reparation of property damage, and other essential items.