Children’s artwork on the wall at Klukwan School in March. (Emily Files)
The superintendent of the Chatham School District, which includes Klukwan, Angoon, and Gustavus, has resigned. Bernie Grieve announced his decision to leave during a contentious school board meeting this week, where his dismissal of two administrators was sharply criticized by both parents and teachers.
Klukwan School’s lead teacher, Kathy Carl, says as part of Chatham, Klukwan has always had an off-site superintendent and principal, either based in Angoon or Gustavus.
With Grieve’s departure, Carl says the main impact to Klukwan School will be adjusting to the change in leadership. She says Klukwan School has had a ‘great relationship’ with Grieve, who served as both superintendent and principal in recent years.
Carl says Klukwan School is growing. Right now, there are about 16 K-12 students enrolled. She says next year, they expect that number to increase to more than 20. And that doesn’t include the school’s part-time pre-K program.
Because of the increasing student numbers, Chatham School District is advertising for a fourth full-time teacher for Klukwan School. The new pre-K through second grade teacher would join Carl and classroom teachers Fran Daly and Jessica Tipkemper.