Klukwan reported one new positive COVID case on Saturday, identified among the Chilkat Indian Village staff. The announcement also triggered the Klukwan EOC to move back to the High Alert level for the community, after downgrading its alert level last month.
The Klukwan EOC reported it’s not received any COVID case updates from tribal health consortium SEARHC in three weeks, although cases have been posted on the state’s public health dashboard.
Messages left with SEARHC by KHNS on Monday and twice last week have not been returned.
In response, the Klukwan EOC says the Chilkat Indian Village offices are closed and staff working remotely, the community’s gym, library and Assembly of God church are all closed until further notice; all community events have been postponed since Saturday, it said.
According to the state COVID dashboard, there are four active cases in the Haines borough. Further details aren’t available. The Haines EOC ceased providing daily COVID updates last month after the community had three consecutive days with no new cases and zero reported active cases in the community.
The SEARHC clinic in Haines is offering vaccine shots on Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment.
Skagway reported seven active COVID cases as of last Thursday November 4, and officials there warn there is risk of community spread. COVID tests, vaccines and boosters are available at the Dahl Memorial Clinic by appointment only.