KHNS held a Haines Borough Assembly candidate forum Wednesday, Sept. 21. Candidates Tom Morphet, Diana Lapham, Ryan Cook, Heather Lende, Leonard Dubber and Judy Erekson answered questions from the KHNS news team and the public.
Full forum part 1:
Full forum part 2:
Listen by question
Question 1: Please introduce yourself and tell us what you hope to accomplish in your three-year term if elected to the assembly.
Question 2: There is an unusually large number of candidates running for assembly this year. Please talk about a specific decision by the assembly or issue that has come up at assembly meetings that motivated you to run.
Question 3: The small boat harbor expansion has become a divisive topic in the community. What could be done to ease the conflict over the project, if anything?
Question 4: Haines has experienced a significant amount of turnover in borough leadership. Why do you think that is and what can be done to retain a borough manager and police chief?
Question 5: Audience question: If Constantine’s mineral exploration were to move into the mine permitting phase, what role should the assembly should play?
Question 6: Solid waste is an issue that resurfaced recently. Do you think the borough should play a role in solid waste management? If so, how should it be funded?
Question 7: Audience question: Do you support an expanded cruise ship industry in Haines? And do you support reducing docking fees as a strategy to draw more cruise ships to Haines?
Question 8: Audience question: The Haines borough government has been accused multiple times by citizens of violating the Constitution, Borough Code or the Borough Charter. If elected, how would you respond to those concerns?
Closing statements: