So many of you called in, came by and went online during our News Drive, thank you for helping us raise $11,044 in support of local news and the hard work our stellar news team puts in. It was a fun and successful day but of course, you can continue to give anytime online thru our donation page. Make your gift today!It’s a good year to take advantage of the tax breaks associated with your non-profit donations.
The KHNS News Team provides news to and for the Upper Lynn Canal in formats that are free and accessible to all. If you rely on KHNS News to know what is happening in your community, make your gift today!
For the last several years, KHNS has faced continuing budget cuts due to diminished government support, and that is not going to change anytime soon. Through it all, KHNS remains committed to providing our listeners with the quality independent reporting you have come to expect from us.
Make your gift anytime in support of local independent journalism for Haines, Skagway, and Klukwan.