The bear known as ‘Tripod’ that has been breaking into boats and causing concerns from residents around town was shot by a Haines Police officer on Friday evening.
Tripod had been clambering onto fishing boats in the harbor, causing damage and eating bait for a few weeks, according to police blotter accounts. There were also reports that the bear had gotten close to residences and the preschool. The police department was waiting for approval from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game before they could dispatch the bear.
“I feel bad for the fishermen because I know it’s their living, but have to go by the same rules that everybody else does when it comes to these bears,” said Sgt. Joshua Dryden.
He said HPD hazed the bear Friday morning with rubber bullets to try and get it away from town, but the bear turned around, unafraid, and came back.
“To get back to where he knows free food is and he wasn’t scared of us or anything so, it makes it a public safety issue at that point,” Dryden said.
The bear was dispatched around 8 p.m. Friday evening.
Tripod was skinned and his skull and claws were kept, and will be examined by the local fish and game biologist.