The Haines Economic Development Corporation board of directors named an interim executive director this week.

David Simmons will head the local nonprofit in a part-time capacity through the end of the year.

Simmons is a local business owner, who operates a shuttle and tour company that runs between Haines and the Yukon Territory.

Board President Heather Shade says the board chose Simmons from among the three candidate application pool because of his experience, education, and interests.

“We felt that the skills and and passion for Haines in economic development would be a great addition to the community and would best support our organization’s mission,” she said.

Simmons holds degrees in business administration and international business studies. He is a former Fulbright scholar. 

Over the next five months, Simmons will be responsible for managing the grants and initiatives HEDC has in progress as well as researching relief and economic recovery opportunities that are available to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.

Shade says it is especially important to have the director position filled and be in contact with state and regional economic partners in this tumultuous economic climate.

“To ensure that there’s consistent communications among economists all over the state…while there’s a need for keeping up to date on current economic relief needs for businesses and to track economic trends that may be changing right now,” said Shade.

Simmons will also be tasked with securing funds for HEDC’s continued work on its 5-year Economic Development plan.

HEDC has been funded by the Haines borough since its inception in 2017. The organization had a $91,000 contract with the borough last year, but the Haines Borough Assembly decided to cease funding for fiscal year 2021. Former Director Margaret Friedenauer left the organization at the end of June. HEDC does not yet have plans for the director position after 2020.

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