John Schnabel died Friday in California at the age of 96. (Discovery.com screenshot)
Local miner, pioneer and television celebrity John Schnabel passed away Friday at the age of 96. Schnabel owned Big Nugget Mine outside of Haines, served as mayor, and, in his later years, became a national celebrity with a starring role in the Discovery Channel show Gold Rush.
“I came to Haines in 1939 at the age of 19.”
That’s John Schnabel during a community interview recorded by KHNS in the late ‘90s.
“We started a small sawmill here and it was really a small toy rather than a real professional mill. So we went to porcupine and bought the sawmill, and we took a tractor and a lowboy across the river at 33 Mile and we dismantled the mill and brought it down and put it out on Jones Point. So that was my first observation of the town, as it then existed, of Porcupine. And it was intact,” he recounted.
“I actively began to mine the Porcupine in the late 70s and early 80s and it became obvious that the old miners had put a lot of energy into it…”
Among his many family members, Schnabel is survived by his wife Erma, four children and two grandchildren. His daughter Debra Schnabel says he was not an easy man to define in a few words.
“Well it was really interesting when my sister took John’s body to the crematorium; she had to say what his occupation was,” she says. “She stumbled in the same way that you (did) with the question. So she said, ‘He’s a film star’ and the woman said ‘A film star? What film has he been in?’ And she said ‘He’s the grandpa on Gold Rush.’ ‘Oh, he’s the grandpa on Gold Rush, well, he’s a gold miner.’ So, that’s what’s on his death certificate – that he’s a gold miner.
“It’s a very big, impactful chapter, but it is a small chapter in a very big life.”
Debra says she feels far removed from John’s celebrity status, which spans the globe. The show began in 2010.
“I quite honestly was experiencing my father’s death in a very small way. I mean, it’s in my life, in my family, in my hometown. And then I started getting calls from Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Anchorage and Washington, D.C. and I just thought ‘Wow, where is all this coming from?’”
But, she says, if he inspired people through the show, then that’s great.
“And there’s stories out there that aren’t true, you know that John died peacefully in his sleep with his family around him in Haines, Alaska. Well, that’s not true. My father died in Oakland, California, in a rest home with congestive heart failure. He died at night, which we’re all very grateful for because dad always wanted to, as he said, die with his boots on.”
Debra says her father was eloquent and politically active. He was the mayor of Haines more than once and you can’t look down Main Street these days without seeing remnants of his legacy.
“I think that John was very much responsible for creating a blue-collar town because he was in the timber industry and he built a mill that employed many, many people and we were a community of milling families.”
A celebration of life for John Schnabel is scheduled for the public on Saturday, April 2 at Harriett Hall around 4 p.m.
“The entire community is invited and we will eat and enjoy each other, and recall dad’s life and celebrate that. He was a big party guy, you know? So, it’ll be a big party and the Fish Pickers will play and we’ll dance and everyone I hope can bring a story – large or small. And hopefully positive.”
Prior to that, a small, graveside service will take place for family at Jones Point where John’s father, uncle and brother are buried.
John: “So I became somewhat interested in the place and the over the years, I eventually ended up purchasing several of the claims… and I became, for lack of anything else to do, a miner.”
A giant of a man. We will miss u grandpa john. From all ur fans in the uk xxx
Just recently visited Haines from Florida. Was fortunate to visit several friends of “Grandpa John” and his daughter Debra. Was great to hear them talk about him. I consider this opportunity a highlight of my first visit to Alaska. The people of Haines are “good” people and I am sure John Schnabel will be missed.
Just recently visited Haines from Florida. Was fortunate to visit several friends of “Grandpa John” and his daughter Deborah. Was great to hear them talk about him. I consider this opportunity a highlight of my first visit to Alaska. The people of Haines are “good” people and I am sure John Schnabel will be missed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. It has been a true pleasure to watch your husband,dad, and the most loving grandfather on television. You all have been truly blessed to have gone through your life with a man like John.He will be sadly missed
Were so sorry that Grandpa pass away and pass deepest sympathy to Parker and the family. Steve & Alma
So sad to here grand pa john has passed away,me and my fiance have watched gold rush from the being and he made the show who wouldn’t have loved to have a grand pa like john schnabel he was truly 1 in a million,love to all the schnabel family and remember you only part to meet again,love carl and amy from the uk x
So sorry to hear that John has passed on, heaven is a better place with John there, sleep well, and thank you for your presence on earth
What a man! tough as they come RIP Granpa John! From a lot of us in the UK
R.I.P Grand pa John. I think everybody wanted a Grand Pa like you.
Sad times for his family, John was and will remain a total legend. I will miss seeing him turn up at Parker’s mine as the joy of his arrival on every episode of Gold Rush was felt as if he was part of our own family. May his family take comfort from the legacy that he has left behind. Rest in peace Mr Schnabel.
So sad a wonderful man
My husband just told me about Johns passing and I cried. He was my favorite part of Gold Rush. I always listened extra carefully when he imparted any wisdom. He was a great example of how to treat people and how to be kind and and respectful. I’ll miss him him tremendously. I hope Parker inculcates all of Johns teachings so he can be a shining example of someone who works hard in a rough job yet maintains a soft heart.
I always enjoyed watching Grandpa when he was on the show. I told my boys I wanted to meet him someday and just sit and have lunch with him. He reminded me so much of my father, warm eyes and a friendly smile. I was very sad to hear of his passing. I will miss his smile. Rest in peace grandpa.
A true inspiration to all who want to achieve and enjoy doing so,all of your devoted fans in England will really miss you loads,sleep well John,always in our thoughts.
very sad to hear that john schnabel as passed away, watched all the episodes and he was a great man in every sense.im sure parker will miss him tremendously.a star in is own rights. R.I.P sir.
The world has lost a real gentleman; an inspiration. We couldn’t be much further away on this side of the lake but felt the loss as if John wasn’t someone we only knew through TV but was one of our own.
Best wishes from sunny England.
David Bain
John was a major part of the show, I watch it from day one, God bless him and hang in there every one , better thing’s are yet to come .
A true inspiration of work and generosity. I am so glad the entire world had the benefit of his wisdom and character over the last six years. Despite the heartfelt loss we all feel, hopefully his family can find some comfort in knowing Grandpa John inspired all of us. God Bless.
I fell in love with John (grandpa) whenever he was shown in the series of Gold Rush. My heart goes out to the family in their time of sorrow…..He will be missed…..Parker needs to remember his golden advise…..be good and respectful to your employees. R.I.P. John….loved, missed and a very wise gentleman…..
Such heartbreaking news! May God bless you Parker and family.. may you take all the lessons he taught you and use them wisely. Carry on his legend, and be the miner he knew in his heart you can be..Rest in Peace Grandpa Schnabel…
I have watched “Gold Rush” from the beginning, I have always enjoyed seeing John on TV, he came across very well; always speaking common sense; obviously a man who had tried and after failures succeeded where many others had given up. I will miss his input into the show.
My sincere condolences go out to his family; especially Parker who I know will miss him immensely; but time goes on; he tried to show Parker the way and he appears to have succeeded.
God Bless You John and thank you for your words of wisdom.
Greatness its hard to accomplish but John in my eyes he accomplished it takes years and years and a granddad who tried to show his grandson treat people like you want to be treated and it takes heart and john had a big heart made from parkers gold sent him home knowing his family is going to be okay he was the heart and soul of the show I don’t like how parker is but John told him he needed to be a better person that takes patients and feelings and heart he seen it all now he knows that parker made a dream of his come true and that’s all us younger generation want to do is make our elders proud thanks for everything just show you how mean the hole greed of gold is how much and we beat you or get off my land ,but when john came you can see it in his eyes and it was gentle love that’s greatness
So so sad we both cried he was a true true gentleman. We shall miss him. Our condolences go to his family especially to Parker.
Parker and the Schnabel family , our thoughts are with you at this time.
This is a crushing blow to me as I have never met any of my grandparents and have taken his deminor and presence as what I should have hoped them to be. He was and always will be an inspiration not just for miners but for parents and grandparents to live up too. I never knew him but felt like he was an iconic presence of knowledge and family values and those that did know him were blessed with every second they had with him.
Rest in pease and I pray that you know how many people you have touched and wished they too could have been able to spend time with you as your family has been blessed to do.
Sorry Parker for such a huge loss Rest in peace John. From all you’re fans on the Siksika Nation Ab. Ty
So sad to hear of John`s passing, he will be greatly missed on the show, I loved him, and I am sure many people feel the same way. He came across as such a polite and pleasant man, the kind of person you would love to meet. My thoughts are with his family at this very sad time.
Please accept our deepest sympathy. Know that many people are holding each one of you close and are sending warm condolences your way.
Deepest sympathy to the family of John. He seemed very positive all the time, he was my favorite on the show.He sure loved Parker, and Parker is very fortunate he had the time with him. God bless – Alberta, Canada
Dearest Parker….I was so saddened to hear of the passing of your grandfather and best friend. I have never missed an episode of the show as I so wanted too see Grandpa and how you endeavored too make him so proud. You did and always will make him proud in your future endeavors. Hold him close as I know you will. One wish I have is too meet the wonderful young man who made his grandfather’s dreams come true. You take care Parker and family. My heartfelt wishes and deepest sympathy too you and yours. Xoxo
Sincerest condolences & prayers to John’s family & friends. He has become everyone’s greatest, most supportive grandpa ever. It will be heart-rending to watch the show knowing that he is gone. But, we all know that he would want everyone to remember him fondly & go on. That’s the kind of guy he was. His praise of Parker will always be remembered. with love Cindy & Dean..Nova Scotia, Canada.
a joy to have known him even though it was only on tv,best wishes to the schanabel family from scotland….
Our thoughts and prayers go to Parker and his family as John Schnabel became a household name. He will be truly missed. He reminded me of my own Dad as he too rests in heaven!
Yours truly…Alexandra
God bless your father from all us over here in Ireland what a legend of a man a true gent loving father husband an what a grandfather Parker can an will fill johns boots when it comes to gold mining rip John an God bless u and your family at this sad time 1 if your many fans martin griffin
grandpajohn well be miss alot love him on the show
Thank you for sharing your dad with us. I can hardly look at his face without tissues at hand, but knowing he is with God and without pain is a blessing. As they say, he was everyone’s grampa, and he’ll be missed.
We in the fb group GOLD RUSH ANY TIME . We love John Schnabel He has over 5.500 fans in mourning him in the group .We would like to send prayers to everyone in Haines who knew John God bless you all and we hope you can take comfort in knowing he will be the Angel of Haines now and will watch over you all .God bless Haines and The Schnabels.
Deepest sympathy to Parker and family on this very sad occasion .