The Lutak Dock Replacement Project in Haines is taking another step forward in the planning process. The second of three design reviews is scheduled for early February.

Nearly all fuel and consumer goods come to Haines by way of the Lutak dock. The aging dock is a crucial part of the supply chains that service the Haines Borough and it is a vital point of the Alaska Marine Highway. Constructed in 1953, the dock has begun to falter in recent years. In July of 2021 the Haines Borough applied for and received a $20 million grant from the state’s Department of Transportation to replace the dock. It was one of only three projects in Alaska to receive such funding.

Turnagain Marine Construction was assigned the project through a three-step design, planning, and construction process. The first step was presenting 35% of the design, which was approved by the Haines Planning Commission on December 8th.

Now, according to Borough Manager Annette Kreitzer, the second review of the design is set for February 9th, following a public town hall presentation on the 8th.

The plans will be at 65% at that time. So in the world of plans, as I understand it, the leap from 35% to 65% is pretty significant. You’re going to include all the input that you received from AML, from Delta Western from the Marine highway system, from the Harbormaster any input the turn, again, has been receiving, then they are going to produce the 65% design. And plus now we’ll hear from folks at Town Hall will have an opportunity to see that even before the planning commission meeting the following day.”

Kreitzer says the Planning Commission will be able to give more input when they review the 65 percent design ahead of the final plan.

“So they will the planning commission will officially see the 65% design and they will ask their questions there may they may still have technical questions to ask them again. There may be things that come out of that meeting that turning and says oh, okay, and then goes back and rework the design before 95%.”

The dock and all plans must be fully completed by September 2029 as part of the grant contract. The 35% design plan approved by the Planning Commission can be found on the Borough website,