Bea Johnson is the author of Zero Waste Home (Image courtesy of Bea Johnson).
Haines’annual Earth Day events are coming up in April. Melissa Aronson, the Chairperson for Haines friends of Recycling says the organization has a lot planned.
“This year we are going to kick off our program on Friday, April 13 with Bea Johnson coming to do a presentation and she wrote the book Zero Waste Home. And then we are going to have an online challenge on reducing waste in your home using the themes from Bea’s book,” said Aronson. “And then we’re going to follow that with a Marine debris cleanup kicking off the community cleanup.”
The online zero waste challenge runs April 16-20. The Marine Cleanup will run April 14-20. Presentations are also scheduled at the senior center on April 21. And Aronson says they’re hoping for an update from the Haines Borough on the solid waste plan.
For more information about Haines Earth Day events, you can check out the Haines Friends of Recycling website and Facebook Page. Earth Day is April 22.