The Haines Borough has terminated the employment agreement between the Haines Borough and Debra Schnabel. The Assembly and Mayor made this decision based on what was felt to be in the best interests of the citizens of the Borough. The decision to change managers was difficult and one on which different Assembly members had different views. Relationships between a body of elected officials and the borough manager are human relationships with unique pressures and complexities. The termination decision reflects the Assembly and Mayor’s conclusion that its relationship with the manager was broken and not capable of repair.
The termination is without cause. The Assembly did not find Ms. Schnabel willfully failed to comply with Borough Charter or the Haines Borough Code or acted dishonestly or fraudulently in the course of her employment by the Borough. Ms. Schnabel is well respected and a valuable member of the community. She is a hard worker, intelligent and well organized. The Assembly and Mayor Hill recognize and appreciate her qualities and contributions to Haines.
The Assembly and Mayor understand this decision will be divisive in large part because so many Borough citizens hold Ms. Schnabel in high regard. Having made a difficult decision, the Assembly and Mayor will move forward to address the significant challenges facing the Borough and its residents.
The Borough will have no further comment on this personnel matter.
Editor’s note: This statement came from the borough assembly packet for the upcoming meeting on May 26.