The Haines Borough Administration building. (Emily Files)

The Haines Borough Administration building. (Emily Files)

A gas tax, a bridge toll, a motor vehicle tax increase, and increasing property taxes were all discussed as ways to raise funds for infrastructure projects at the Haines Borough Finance Committee Meeting, Tuesday.

Haines Assemblyman Tom Morphet presented his revenue-generating ideas to the Finance Committee at Borough Assembly Chambers, but they were a hard sell.

He said he was concerned about being able to provide maintenance for the newly built Klehini River Bridge. The $9 million structure connecting the Haines Highway to Chilkat Lake Rd. and Porcupine Road was completed last year.

Construction was state and federally funded, but Morphet says those funds are declining and the borough needs to change its approach to funding infrastructure.

Brenda Josephson said some of his ideas would single out small groups of people.

“How dare you charge those people – to go home?” said Brenda Josephson.

“To use the bridge,” said Morphet.


Josephson referenced Morphet’s suggestion to institute a toll through a sticker that residents would need to pay to put on their car in order to cross the bridge.

His other options include a borough fuel tax or an increase on the motor vehicle tax.

He also suggested increasing property taxes on those opposite the Klehini River Bridge.

Despite the opposition he faced on the committee level, Morphet says he’s not planning to let these ideas fade away.