(from left) Jason Anderson, Christine Klein, Chris Maisch and Wyn Menefee respond to questions at an open house on the proposed UA timber sale. (Henry Leasia / KHNS)
A committee is being developed in Haines to exchange input and information with the University of Alaska on a 13,500-acre timber sale in the Chilkat Valley. The group will include representatives from the university and the Haines community.
At a meeting last week, the Haines Borough Assembly discussed the so-called Haines Action Committee. Little information was available on the specifics of the committee. The assembly passed a motion to direct borough staff to research how other communities have interfaced successfully with the University of Alaska regarding negotiated timber sales.
According to UA Public Affairs Spokesperson Roberta Graham, nobody has been selected to serve on the committee. However, Assembly Member Brenda Josephson and Haines resident Sylvia Heinz have been involved in organizing the group.
At a public hearing on the timber sale in May, Heinz asked if the university would be open to creating a working group with members of the community. University of Alaska Regional Resource Manager Patrick Kelly responded that it would be possible.
Since then the university’s Land Management Office has made references to the creation of the Haines Action Committee. In presentations to the UA Board of Regents, representatives from the Land Management Office said the committee would include the Mayor, Borough Manager, Haines Economic Development Corporation, Tribal Leaders, and community members.
The university has hired private consultant Morgan Howard to serve as the point of contact for information on the sale. He will support the committee once it is established. Howard will be in Haines this week to meet with stakeholders to better define the scope and purpose of the committee.