wooly bear caterpillar cropped


9-1-16 Garden Conversation

“Gardening is cheaper than therapy, and you get tomatoes.”

Melissa and Jerry join Joanie to talk about:

  • Slugs:  They have a benefit to gardens here!  Except for the new invasive ones.  Jerry provides some slug recipes (oh dear).  And the Garden Conversation’s discussion of slugs is officially wrapped up!
  • Bulbs:  It’s time to order and plant garlic!  Melissa discusses varieties, hard neck versus soft neck, and what to do with garlic scapes.  It’s also time to order and plant flower bulbs.
  • Record Keeping: As Melissa says, “It takes less time to be organized than to be disorganized.”  She talks about her monthly gardening calendar, and offers to share it with interested listeners!  Just e-mail garden@khns.org if you are interested in a copy.  She notes you’ll need to adjust it to your garden and needs.
  • Caterpillar Mystery: A listener asked about a caterpillar she had seen recently.  The gardeners discussed and decided it is probably a woolly bear caterpillar (pictured above), which becomes a tiger moth.  They don’t cause harm to gardens.


Listen to previous Garden Conversations and find more information here: https://khns.org/the-garden-conversation. E-mail your questions, comments, and feedback/suggestions to garden@khns.org!