The Chilkat Valley Mining Forum Committee will soon host a meeting in Haines about water and mining.
The group formed last year and hosted a two-day forum this past October focused on a hard-rock underground mine in the Klehini River Valley.
On the group’s Facebook page, they say their mission is, “to organize public information forums that provide quality information and dialogue on mining topics of interest to the communities of Haines and Klukwan and relevant to mineral exploration and mining work being conducted in the valley.”
Representatives from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation will present at the forum. In addition, representatives of the Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes will share information on their water sampling work and tribal perspectives. Takshanuk Watershed Council and Constantine Mining also plan to present. In addition, a question and answer period is planned.
The committee is comprised of ten organizations: Haines Chamber of Commerce; Haines Borough; Northern Southeast Gillnetters; Chilkoot Indian Association; Haines Sportsman Association; United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters; Takshanuk Watershed Council; Alaska Miners Association; The Palmer Family; and Constantine Metal Resources Limited.
After last fall’s forum, two organizations stepped away from the group: Lynn Canal Conservation and the Chilkat Indian Village of Klukwan.
Constantine is a Canadian mining company which is exploring for proposed copper, zinc and gold and silver mine about 37 miles up the highway from Haines with investment from partner Dowa Metals & Mining Co., Ltd, a Japanese company.
The forum will take place on Wednesday, April 18 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Alaska Native Brotherhood Hall in Haines.