Acts are lining up to perform at this year’s Southeast State Fair.

Amanda Randles is the community outreach director for the fair. She has been busy booking performers for this year’s event in Haines. She shared with KHNS the list of acts that have signed on so far.

Randles: “The Boom Town Saints, that’s a country band out of Nashville. They are really fun and I have a feeling that they are going to be a lot bigger real soon, so we are catching them while we can afford them.”


Randles: “A band that is a perennial favorite we have Moonalice coming back. They’ve played here a couple times before they are very well-loved. They are a really fun band. At this point, they have local friends. They’ve gone through a kind of a sound change in recent years, and there is sort of a funk RnB aspect to their sound that wasn’t there as much before.”


There are a couple of circus acts planned, one of which is has already  signed on.

Randles:Fantastic Patrick who is coming up from California, and he does juggling, he does plate spinning, he does things with fire and swords, and bicycles.”

Performer: “I will now risk my life for your entertainment pleasure… You sick people.”

A regional act will be coming to Haines

Randles: “The Juneau Drag Show. Now this I’m really looking forward to too. So normally on Friday night, we put up the catwalk for the wearable art show. We are leaving it up this year because right after the wearable art show we have Juneau Drag. We’ve been trying to get them for a couple years now, and it worked this year.”

One band didn’t make it last year. They have been rescheduled.

Randles: “So Lovely Colours is a band out of Bellingham who we had booked last year, and on their way up they tested positive for COVID. And they couldn’t perform. They are coming back this time, I told them, be careful. Now one of the fun things about Lovely Colours, they are getting to be pretty well known in the Seattle and Bellingham area, but two of their band members are from Juneau. So they are excited, it’s like coming home for them.”


Randles: “The Pickled Pepper Kitchen Band. They look so much fun. They are an old-timey jug band coming from Oregon. They are an all-female band, and they all appear to be over sixty. And they just sound like they have such a good time.”


Another regional act will come from Whitehorse.

Randles: “Surprise act from last year was Cows Go Moo is a band out of Whitehorse that are all 11 to 13 years old this year I believe. They are a bunch of kids who play classic rock 80s metal sound. So they are playing Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, they are so good. But we put them on last year sort of sight unseen, sure we’ll see how this goes, and they started playing everybody from around the grounds just flocked to the main stage to see this. And these kids are amazing. So, we are bringing Cows Go Moo back.”

And a crowd favorite will return.

Randles: “The  Lack Family of course, who come back every year. They are always a real popular group and have a big local following.”

Other acts will be announced as they sign their contracts. One band featuring a Haines musician that has become quite successful around the state is expected to confirm soon. 

The Southeast Alaska State Fair will take place on the last weekend of July. 
