
Genre: Morning Music and Local Information

Local/Marine Weather 8:14/9:50am,
Listener Personals 8:35/9:35am,
Morning Interview 8:45-9am
Community Calendar 9am,
Earth Air & Water Report 9:50am,

Click the show to see the playlist and listen back to the last two episodes!

To access Morning Interviews Click Here!

Or to find them in the two-week stream archive, scroll down to the day of the week the interview aired, then click on the specific date it aired. Click on your chosen date next to the speaker icon, then set the clock function for 8AM :45 by clicking on :00 and selecting :45 from the options. (The segments air from 8:45-9am.) Now click the play arrow on the left. You can pause and restart play as needed.  Here’s our current Morning Interview schedule:

  • Monday: alternates between Health & Wellness Talk and Nonprofit Spotlight
  • Tuesday: Haines History Talk (1st & 3rd Tuesdays); Skagway History Talk (2nd Tuesday); Talking Trash (4th Tuesday)
  • Wednesday: Safety Report
  • Thursday: Garden Conversation; Snow Report (alternating Thursdays in winter)
  • Friday: Skagway Public Library (1st Friday); L’Koot Yei Jineiyi (2nd & 4th Fridays); Haines Public Library (3rd Friday); Klukwan Library (5th Friday)

Not sure when the segment aired? Check the DJ Calendar and click on the description for 8:45am.




