Bears cross the street from the Chilkoot weir to the woods. (Abbey Collins)

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources postponed road improvements on the Chilkoot Lake corridor for one year. 

DNR secured over one million dollars in funding for the project through a federal grant last year. The money will help pay for resurfacing of the road, parking, improved drainage, walkways, and bear viewing platforms. The improvements aim to limit disturbance of wildlife and safety risks caused by tourists visiting the Chilkoot River to view bears. 

DNR put out a call for bids from contractors at the end of the summer. The construction was anticipated to begin this fall. 

Project Manager Danielle Ryder says they are waiting for federal funding partners to review a cultural resource survey of the area before beginning construction. Ryder says the review has taken longer than expected due to staff turnover. 

DNR expects to put the project out for bid again next spring with construction beginning in fall of 2020. The agency anticipates the project will be completed by May 31st, 2021. 

Congestion along the Chilkoot corridor has been an increasing concern for the Haines Borough. Last year the assembly voted to prohibit any new tours at Chilkoot Lake until improvements to the management of the area are made.