It’s flu season, and vaccines are being offered. Alain d’Epremesnil has more. 

A handful of healthcare staff was standing outside the SEARHC clinic in Haines on Friday, dressed up as minions, the cartoon characters.  The mood was festive.

Here is nurse Keely Baumgartner:

“This is our annual drive-through flu clinic, and we are doing well this year, there is not a giant line, so people should come on down!” 


They were tending to a slow trickle of cars. Five hundred doses of the vaccines were in stock, and available to the public.

Helen Larson was among the people who came to get immunized:

“Yes, I’m getting my flu shot, and I’m thrilled that they have such a great system set up,  with the drive up, and they have all these qualified people running and taking care of you, and it’s very efficient, and I love it!”  

 But turnout was not as high as expected. 

There will be a similar service offered at the Klukwan Health Center this Thursday, the 27th of October, and no appointment is necessary.